Freezing my buns off…

Good evening, everyone! I had a busy one today. Breakfast and lunch were unpictured, as they should be, because I ate absolute crap today. I’m not even kidding; my body is about to revolt if I don’t knock it off. We had plate lunch for breakfast (white rice, oh no! eggs and Portuguese sausage, my arteries!). This was mainly because I didn’t feel like cooking. Church was ok. I’m thinking I like Wednesday services better. Lunch was an organic pizza and salad (so healthy of me) followed up with leftover…

guava cheesecake. I am not ashamed or sad. This weekend was crappy eating, but I’m diligent about making sure my splurges are worth it. I don’t eat candy at work or dessert very often and anytime you see me eating chocolate chips, it’s carob. I haven’t had a fried anything in God knows when, but when I want to splurge? It’s greasy breakfast meat and fancy dinners 🙂

Then, I grocery shopped so I can pre-cook for next week. Due to some convictions I’ve been feeling lately, there’ll be some (temporary) changes to my diet soon. Be on the lookout for vegan meals and no added sugar. I promise I’ll get back to my animal-eating, cheese-loving, coffee-guzzling (did I mention no caffeine?) self in no time. But, I’m dealing with something personal right now.

I got down to biznazz with a carrot soup:

Carrots, celery, onion, garlic, Italian seasoning, basil and veggie stock. It is very difficult to find things without added sugar. In fact, it’s darn near impossible. The things you wouldn’t think would have it do and things you’d least expect don’t. Organics brand beans do not, Organics brand veggie stock does. UGH! I read every label…the soup turned out amazing and is about to be frozen along with a black bean soup I cooked up (can you tell I bought an immersion blender today? Best thing ever.).

Dinner was amazing, per usual:

Chicken Madras with onions and peppers and whole wheat egg-free milk-free pitas from Agnes’ Portuguese Bake Shop (Portugal, I miss you and will be home as soon as possible). Dessert was also epic:

HEAB’s squash fudge. You can get the recipe *HERE*. I used whatever brand comes in a red box (Duncan Hines?), the fudgey brownie flavor, used a can of organic butternut squash from Whole Foolio (which may or may not have spurred a half hour debate on whether or not we were going to go into a botulitic coma because the can was *squeezy*. The husband won this argument and I used the poison squash), and only put half the mix in the pan. I then spread it around until it was even and put in a blobby layer of peanut butter. Then, I covered it with the remaining brownie-fudgey mixture. I had to bake it for like 45 minutes, because it was too gooey. However…best fudge ever. EVER! The peanut butter made it, fo sho.

Now? Going to catch one last episode of Gossip Girl while I freeze my soups, start reading The Hunger Games (my friend Kate recommended these books. I’ll let you know if they suck, but she’s usually not bad with the recommendations), and then snuggle up with family, do my devotions and hit the hay. As I’m reading this, I realize I have high aspirations for the night, considering it’s 9:06pm here…we’ll see. Tomorrow is CSA pick-up; everyone cross your fingers and hope for no weird purple beans! Good night 😀


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8 responses to “Freezing my buns off…

  1. That cheesecake looks sooooo good and I’m really not a sweets person I swear! But you are really selling me here with that and the fudge! ha

  2. Thanks for the mention and the pic; and the chicken Madras looks great!
    Agnes’ Portuguese Bake Shop

  3. Kat

    Girl I ate horrid this weekend too, and i still have half a piece of cake in the fridge waiting for me! But I am going to devour it and enjoy it, because tomorrow its back to the grind! WE have to enjoy those little indulgences we have!

  4. hey Shayna! i just found your blog and having a great time scrolling through your posts! Hawaii must be amazing, i’ve only spent a few hours there, and unforunately never left the airport. 😛

    • Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I’m sorry you only got to see the airport; I promise the rest of the island is much more interesting! I’m very blessed to be here.

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